KP Methodologies :: Astrology : Hindu And Western

Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Some are under the wrong impression that the westerners borrowed knowledge from the Hidus; some others say that the Hindus gained knowledge from the chaldeans.Hebrews, Greeks and so on. Is the view correct? The sages and the scholars in each country gazed at the stars, thousands of years ago, and they discovered the relation between the celestial phenomena and the terrestrial incidents. They established some methods to fix the position of planets in the Zodiac and the consequent effect on the animate and inanimate objects on the earth. If one has studied both the systems, one will declare that neither the Hindus borrowed from the westerners, nor vice-versa.
Suppose some students appeared for mathematical examination; copies of the question paper were distributed to them. All weare busy answering them. The superintendent caught the answers written by another student, seated in front of him. He took this student and complained to the Headmaster that he had been copying in the examination hall. On enquiry, the student repeatedly said that he had not copied at all. The headmaster called for the answer papers of both students and compared them. He declared that the students had not copied at all and the complaint was baseless.
The students, who was accused to have copied, has answered the question 1,3,4, and 7 in the question paper, whereas the other student had answered question 2,4,6 and 8. Hence, the Headmaster who has gone through both the papers alone could know the truth. The superintendent who saw this student writing fast, and also, off and on, looking at the other student’s table, had gone through both the papers alone writing fast, and also, off and on, looking at the other student’s table, had mistake him, because both answered the same mathematics paper. Similarly, only when one studies both the western and Hindu System, one will comfirm that the methods followed by either.
1. Zodiac: For both, the zodiac is the pathway of the planets. But for the westerners, the commencement of the zodiac. But for the westerners, the commencement of the zodiac i.e Aries 0 degree retrogrades at the rate of roughly 50.2388475 seconds every year, whereas for the Hindus, for astrological purpose the zodiac commences always at a fixed point which is about 180 degree from the star spica-Chithirai. The zodiac of the westerners is called sayana zodiac whereas that of the Hindus is called Nirayana zodiac. Therefore, as years pass on, in about 480 years, it will be found that the sign Aries- Mesha called by the Hindus will exactly coincide with Taurus-Rishaba by the westerners. The portion of the zodiac called by the Hindus as tauras-Rishaba will be called by westerners as Gemini-mithuna and so on.
2. Mansions: Westerners have divided the zodiac into 12 equal parts and call them as solar mansions or signs. So also, Hindus have divided it into 12 equal parts and call each division as a Rasi. But there is the difference in the commencement of the sign explained above. Therefore, the area covered by the signs followed by the westerners and the Hindus is not the same.
The Hindus have another methods of dividing the zodiac. They have divided it into 27 equals parts and call them as lunar mansions, Constellations, Asterism Nakshathras or stars. The Hindus give greater importance to this division. They have found that planets transiting in the same sign but it different nakshatharas cause different effects. Just like each rasi (or sign) is said to be ruled by a planet, so also the hindus declare that each start is governed by a particular planets (e.g) Aries sign (Mesha is ruled by Mars (Sevvai); Taurus sign (Rishaba) is governed by Venus (Sukra); and so on. This is common to both the western and the Hindu systems. But, after discovering Uranus and Neptune, the westerners have allotted Aquarius (Kumba) to Uranus and pisces (Meena) to Neptune. The Hindus did not include this allocation. As regards the Nakshathara, the first division commencing from Aries (Mesha) 0’s Aswini ruled by kethu; the second is called Bharani governed by Venus; the third star is karthikai ruled by sun; the fourth Rohini, lord of which is moon and so on. (It is given in a tabulated form in the text Krishnamurti Padhdhti.)
3. Day: The Hindus consider that a day commence only from the moment of the sunrise in that locality and that it extends till the next sunrise in the same locality. The sun may rise at 4.30 A.M. to 5 A.M. or 7.40 A.M. if a child is born at 7.20 A.M. and the sun rises only 7.40 A.M. to that locality on that day, then the child is said to have been born on the previous day. Suppose the sun rises at 4.50 A.M., and a child is born at 5.10 A.M the Hindus consider that it is born on the next day. They take the lord of the next day for judgement and predict. This is very important when the Hindus elect certain auspicious day to undertake at project. As we follow civil date, date changes at 12 midnight. But for Hindus sunrise to sunrise is a day, through, date changes at 12 midnight.
4. Horoscope: While erecting a horoscope and offering prediction the Hindus attach much importance to the signs, houses and Navamsa position of the planets. But the westerners attach importance to the signs and houses. They have no Navamsa chart at all
5. The houses, ie. Bhavas: Differ widely between eastern and westerners calculate the house from cusp, whereas the Hindus take the cusp as the midpoint of the house and call the House and call the house as Bhava
6. Prediction – Ududasa: Vimshothari, Ashtothari, Kalachakra dasa etc., are the various dasas educated by the Hindu sages to predict events in one’s life either to himself or to his relative or others, with whom he or she has or has no transation at all. The westerners have no dasa system at all,
7. Progression: There is no clear and exhaustive method of “progression” given by the Hindu sages though it is simply mentioned by only one sage. Westerns follow this mentioned by only one sage. Westerners follows this method to predict event is one’s life and have advanced much in progression.
8. Transit: Westerners take a position of sun in the sayana chart to offer transit results. The Sayana position of the transiting planets is referred to the position of sun at birth. Planets and refer to the radical Nirayana position of the transiting planets and refer to the redical Nirayana position of Moon in the horoscope. Further, the Hindus give the results according to the sign occupied by the transiting by them; but the westerner’s take into consideration both the signs and the houses transited by the various planets and the exact longitudinal distance:
9. Aspects: The Hindus are of opinion that all planets aspect the 7th house whereas Saturn has also special glance on the 3rd and 10th houses counted from the sign occupied by it; Jupiter aspects 5th and 9th houses from its position; Mars aspects 4th and 8th houses, counted from the sign it occupies other than the 7th. But the aspects followed by the westerners are calculated correctly. They call that the longitude between one planet and another planet or one planet and the cusp of one house, if divisible by 22 ½, the aspect is disharmonious, harmful and adverse. Also, they say “If the longitudinal distance among two planets, or between one planet and the cusp of another house, is divisible by 18 degree or 30 degree (except 90 degree and 150 degree) is considered to be harmonious, favourable and advantageous”. They do not count sign to sign, as Hindus do; but they take the exact relative position.
10. Parents: Westerners consider that the fourth house indicates father and the 10th house the mother. But the Hindus take the fourth house as the mother of the person and the 9th house as the father.
11. Strength: Hindus estimate the strength of the planets by shadbala, etc after laborious work wheras the method adopted by the westerner is very simple and they do not have any such calculation.
12. Ashtaka varga: Is a method followed by the Hindus which is not know to the ancient astrologers of the West. This method is useless especially in Twin Birth Charts or to those born to different methods within short interval. Thus, many instances can be given to show that the westerners and Hindus follows their own system are absolutely different. Why both the methods are considered to be incomplete, and the Hindu system is confusing and contradicting needs no explanation. But one has to understand.
1) How to ascertain the favorable and the unfavorable disposition of planets.
2) What nature of results a planets indicates.
3) The exact time when they will be experienced.
4) To predict the different results enjoyed by twins born in the same locality, but with an interval of few minute even through the ascendant (lagna) is in the same sign, the position of planets in the zodiac in the sign and in Navamsa chart remains the same as will as the dasa and bhukti are more less same. As per progression the aspect the planets will also be similar in the horoscopes of people born within short interval.
So it would be a problem both for Hindus and westerners
(1) to estimate the longevity of each, as in some cases, either of the twins passes away early in infancy and the other lives along,
(II)one sets married, the other remains unmarried,
(III) one has sterling character whereas the other is always after the opposite sex,
(iv) one has children, the other has to adopt,
(VI) one is a lawyer, the other is a surgeon, and so on.
The common aspects are the same mother, father, uncle, aunt, etc. But, the number of brothers and sisters will vary in those instance where one of the twins is a male and the other female. Astrology can be declared a science, only when these different rences can be explained properly, at least after knowing the result, it will be considered to be a perfect science, if it is made easy and the students having the ardent desire, understand it thoroughly, apply it properly and offer correct predictions. Herein came the need for research.
By the Divine Grace, research was successful. Some truths are discovered. Later. After convincing my own conscience, from 1951 I began to teach my technique to many students (Who are already learned). I am happy that God has given me health to tour throughout India and coach up hundreds of students every year. Everybody knows that I am only astrologer doing this service. Also, a number of astrologers at junnar, Poona, kirkee, kolhapur, sholapur and Ahmednagar wanted me to deliver series of lecture, daily, for 15 days and I did.
A few came from Bombay to Delhi, stayed for months and attended lectures at Delhi. A few from Singapore, Kasipet, Busawal and other places stayed in my residence and learnt. Most of the disciples unlearnt what all they residence and learnt. Most of the disciple unlearnt what all they learnt prior to may lecture, thoroughly understood my technique. Just like a number of parallel mirrors. Reflect many images, and the images are seen to infinite distance, so also they make use of kirshna murthi padhathi confirmed to be simple and supreme and spread this technique. They have declared that this the best and correct method to foretell and satisfy the consultant as it enables one to offer precise predictions, even in the cases of twins born at an interval of only a few minutes. It is convincing, clear and vary correct, that is what they say. There is no use for the word “Likely, probably”, etc. Tendency is used only by those people who cannot offer definite predictions.
If this book is studied, one will say after studying once “Aham Na Pandithaha”. A second reading will give him courage and confidence to say “Aham Cha Pandithaha”. If a Third reading is give, people will say that the astrologer who had read thrice this book can declare himself “Aham Eva panditha”. This book is an eye-opener. It is a corrective one. It does not accept incorrect dicta. The expression is lucid, ideas are clear; arugments are convincing; the result are correct.
All these are due to God’s Grace whom I how down again and again.[Uchchista Maha Ganapathi] The authorities of Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan realised the truth in my technique. They were fully convinced, as many uncanny predictions given during the lecture, came correct and they were happy to hear the scientific explanation and to see that it came true. That is why Governor of Bombay Dr. P. V Cherian conferred the title. “Jyothish Marthand” and presented a Gold Medal in a convocation at Bombay to the author.
Next it is my duty to thank those who where helpful to me to improve the knowledge in this science to assist in my research and to bring out this text-book. Let me first thank kulapathi M.Munshiji and are having appointed me as a visiting professor of Astrology in India to deliver lecture to Delhi. Bombay and Madras regulary and occasionally in other intelligent student (aged between 25 and 65) who would be requiring me to answer varieties of questions, and to clarify various doubt left unsolved, so far. Finally, I think God so that this science may be developed further by the rreaders to give amazing, astonishing, but accurate prediction.