
Prof K S Krishnamurti
A book lover, like the King Swan, is discriminate in choosing his books. And good books, they say, are those that are opened with expectation and closed with profit. If you are looking for such books in astrology, surely you have them in Krishnamurti PADHDHATI. Readers 1 to VI. Krishnamurti Padhdhati was previously printed in two volumes covering about 950 pages. The material therein included research upto1964. After 1964, Sothida Mannan Jyothish Marthand Prof. K.S Krishnamurti has been conducting regular classes all over India as the President of the Stellar Astrological Research Institute and visiting Professor of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan, Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai and other kendras, and highly qualified students, scholars and professional astrologers were attending these lectures and many of them have extolled Krishnamurti Padhdhati and confirmed its findings.They have contributed a great deal to further improvements in KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI rendering it highly accurate and useful. The fruits of research carried out after the publication of the first edition of KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI (in two volumes) have been included in the new series titled as Reader 1, Reader 11, Reader 111,Reader 1V, Reader V and Reader V1. The science Steller Astrology has been lucidly and exhaustively explained in these Readers with concrete examples. Forty five years of study research and experience of the author have gone into their preparation,rendering KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI a complete and perfect system of predictive astrology.If your aim is to master astrology and become a good astrologer-amateur or professional- the Stellar Readers show you the way. School boy’s advancement school girls advantage: Student’s appreciation; Scholars approval; Savant’s admiration; Saint’s amazement & Sufferers anesthesia are as under Mr. Krishnamurti.Now the Aquarian age is fast approaching. But an Aquarian star has risen in the East (in Indian soil). He is our Revered Guruji Sothida Mannan, Joythish Marthand Prof K S Krishnamurti who has digested Hindu and Western Literature upon this subject thoroughly. Through his deep research and vast experience extended to 40 years, he found that the Predictive Principals enumerated in these books are general and miserably failed and failed.
So most of the traditional astrologers have contributed sufficient to ridicule the fair name of Astrology- the science of sciences. But Prof K.S .Krishnamurti has laboured much to make Astrology as perfect a science as Astronomy itself. By Lord Uchishta Mahaganapathi’s grace his 40 years of deep research bore fruit and he had devised an infalliable formula to give 100% accurate precise predictions universally applicable to any type of Horoscope. Natal/Horary/Annual.
The formula is popularity known as K.P.- A REAL GEM STONE AMONG THE STONES. If K P. is followed strictly, predictions are 100% accurate. Defectors such as ‘likely’, ‘Probably’, etc bringing discridet to science have now mostly disappeared from the scene with the appearance of K.P. K.P. means “PAST IS PAST AND FUTURE IS MADE KNOWN”. We correctly declare K.P. As an Encyclopedia of Astro-science. So we advice ‘Learn & Earn K.P’